The Hermit

"Curiosity, interest, and obsession — mile markers on my road to damnation."

Faelin Eldarin. Light DC, Twintania CE(S)T

template made by poohsources


Faelin isn't me, and I'm not Faelin. What I write In Character is to remain In Character. Similar to how I act Out of Character is to remain Out of Character. If we write/agree that our OCs should be stupidly in love, that's fine. But don't think I'll be catching those feelings for the person behind the Character. It's all fun and games, and should remain that way.
I have no real preferred amount of sentences/paragraphs I write, I adapt myself to your preference. I can give you what you give me, or if you request me to go full out, do know I'll end up writing into a Novella style.
Please understand that Faelin is by no means an OC I'll ship with only your OC. If it clicks with other people & their OC, I will be writing other romance-esque stuff out with them. To that end, consider that any, and all relationships with Faelin in a more intimate setting, are to be considered Open. Your OC Dates/Does anyone they want, so does Faelin.
If you want to assume SOME control over Faelin like him taking note of a scent, seeing something, feeling something, etc... know that's entirely fine with me! Helps with fleshing out details that I may not inherently know about. However, this does not give you a free pass to assume FULL control over Faelin's actions/feelings.

OUT OF CHARACTER.. 29 He/Him CE(S)T.. 21+ Roleplayers. Minors DNI... Roleplay Veteran with 15+ years of experience. Please don't be intimidated by this, or belittle me. I write for fun, and adapt myself where needed... My personal life will always come before RP, FF14, Venues, Etc, etc..... I run Hermit's Retreat, a little venue on Light DC/Twintania, which is where some of my lighter RP will be given/happening. This can be used as a hook as well... I prefer roleplaying on Discord for this reason, so I can respond when I have the time to and not stress over my own availability. We can still discuss about meeting up in-game for RP, so don't be discouraged!.. Communication!! I can't stress enough how this is very important to me, as I'd like to discuss every detail we possibly could. I want this to be a fun experience for us both. Please don't hesitate to raise your ideas/wants for the RP!.. Respond at your own pace! I'll never ask you to reply ASAP whatsoever. I have a busy IRL life, you have a busy IRL life. I understand, and respect this immensely! I will only check up once a week, if I don't hear/see much happening so I know not to waste your time further.

.. Please understand that this tab is subject to change if every I deem it neccesary to add/remove rules/details.

Character Information

..   GENERAL. Given Name . Akihiko (Bright, Brilliant) Kuroda (Black, Rice Field)
. Alias/Used Name . Faelin (Magical Strength) Eldarin (Ancient Tongue)
. Ancient Counterpart . Faelin is a shard of an ancient known as “Helios” who was once in close association with both Azem, and Venat. He was one of the few Ancients who refused to rejoin the Aetherial Sea, and once served as the seat of “Lahabrea”
. Affectionate Nicknames . Wolf; Puppy; Houndman; Old Man
. Also Known By The Following Titles .
.. The Hermit: Faelin is a creature whom’s lifespan crosses quite some centuries. He’s witnessed things one can only dream of, or read up on in history books. Wanting little to nothing to do with worldly affairs, he’s chosen to recluse himself to the mountains of Othhard. Though as the people of Hingashi were told the stories of the Hermit found within the mountains, that the rulers had once decided to not only visit Faelin, but seek his advice.
.. Ōkami no Kenja (Sage of Wolves): As the rulers of Hingashi sought more and more of Faelin’s knowledge, and guidance in matters of both spiritual and magical, they began to refer to him as a Sage. More specifically the “Sage of Wolves”, for his wolf-like features due to his heritage stemming from the Lupins.
.. White Eyed Wolf: Being a Hybrid creature with Lupin/Canine/Wolf-like features, it wasn’t hard for some locals to refer to him as a “Wolf” in general. But as Faelin aged, and became more spotted, the name evolved to include his most striking feature: The intricately detailed white eyes that popped out thanks to the black sclera he has.
. Date Of Birth . Lost to the annals of Time; Faelin claims he forgot.
. Apparent Age . Around his late twenties/early thirties
. Actual Age . Estimated to be over 1000 years old.
. Star Sign . Thaliak had taken an interest in Faelin
. Species . Lupin/Wolf Hybrid
. Race . Doman/Othard/Hingashi (Unable to be determined, but he's from the Far East)
. Gender . Male
. Pronouns . He/Him
. Orientation . Heterosexual
. Occupation .
.. The Owner, The Barista, The Bard, The Barkeep, Etc... of Hermit's Retreat
.. Onmyoji; The Spiritual & Magical Advisor to Hingashi
.. Recognised as an Archon by Old Sharlayan; His mark being glamoureed into his intricate Tattoos.
.. Scholar, Philosopher, Mage, Wizard... Faelin has quite the obsession with Magick as a whole, who has written a number of Tomes both Sanctioned and Forbidden on the subject.

.   ..   PSYCHOLOGY. Positive Character Traits . Honest, Kind-hearted, Lax, Patient, Scholarly.
. Negative Character Traits . Cruelty; Violent; Obsessive.
. Likes . Coffee, Tea, The Moon, The Nightsky, The Stars, Music, Playing Instruments, Singing, Honesty, Integrity.
. Dislikes . People disturbing his peace; Dishonesty, Liars, Cruelty.
. Moral Alignment . Lawful Neutral
. Enneagram Type . The Investigator

. Voice Claim . Crispin Freeman as Alucard in Hellsing Ultimate ENG Dub
Fuminori Komatsu as Snake in Vinland Saga (JAP)

.   ..   BACKGROUND. Birthplace . Othard/Hingashi
. Current Home . Shirogane (WIP)
. Language(s) . Early & Modern Far Eastern; Doman; Hingan; Eorzean.
. Parents . Sadly long gone. By the time Faelin returned to his home, he came to find nothing but soot, and ash. Presumably having been raided in his absence.
. Siblings . From what Faelin understands, they were taken around the same age he was. He knows not their fate, nor their descendants fate.
. Other Family members . Faelin presumes the worst, much like his parents, siblings, and their descendants. He truly feels like he's one of few of his kind.
. Significant Other . Faelin is in an Open Relationship with his partners: Nyx; Yomi Hellspawn; Amayila Akagane.
. children . Unsure
. "Pets" . Faelin doesn't really have pets in a.. normal sense of the word. He has a pack of Familliars, all modeled after wolves. Save for two, which are... different in nature. They're never far from him, able to appear, and one is usually found on his person, if not sent to watch over his Ward.

.   ..   APPEARANCE. Hair . Naturally colored black, having been grown out the past couple of years. Unsure because he's lazy to get his hair done, or because he's simply seeing how long his hair can grow out.
. Eyes . Faelin's eyes used to be a light yellow in color, similar to what the rest of the Lupins have. However, he's done irrepairable damage to his rettenas by inscribing Magick Formulas upon them. The black sclera is an after-effect of witnissing the Abyss, which spiralled Faelin for some time.
. Hybrid Features . Faelin has two Lupin/Wolf ears that can be found atop of his head. They often flicker/twitching as he's paying attention to his surroundings. Please note that these are highly sensitive to Faelin, and should not be abused.
Faelin also has a Lupin/Wolf tail that can be found swaying behind him. This often gives away his mood, either if he's annoyed, excited, or... aroused. Much like the ears, do not abuse the fact that the base is very much sensitive to him.
. Height . Faelin is estimated to be well over 200cm tall // 78.74 in for the American beans.
. Build . Faelin's body is definitively sculpted, and toned after a healthy diet, and healthy amount of working out. Given the strain some spells can have on him, he needed to build up a good Physique. Though this also comes in handy for Martial combat, as Faelin is no pushover.
. Dominant Hand . Some may be surprised to find out that Faelin is actually perfectly Ambidextrous. He uses this to his advantage to sometimes mess with people. There are slight discrepencies however in his writing.
. Scars . Any and all scars Faelin would have on his physique are nill to be found. Due to his mastery over varying healing Magick, he's been able to entirely cover up the scars he should be walking around with. Though naturally, these don't cover the mental scars he might have.
. Tattoo . Found on his torso is an intricate tattoo that seemingly depicts the stars, and so much more involving those. It's unsure who Faelin comissioned for these, and when. But they are part of the striking feature of his body.
. Piercings . Maybe it was on a whim, but Faelin pierced both his nipples, and also has a belly button piercing.
. Phallus . For the sake of clarification: Yes Faelin has both a Normal Cock, and a Knotted Cock. These are interchangeable via Glamour Magick. Simply specify your preference and the roleplay assumes/adapts correctly.


"Not once have I forsaken my Roots.
Even in the face of the Abyss, I held on.
But... the Abyss did swallow me whole."

Back when Othard was yet to be formed, and the Lupins were settling into the region would be a good starting point as to where Faelin got where he is today. Coming from what were then oppressed creatures, Faelin was born after all the war, all the bloodshed between his kind, and the early-day Domans were finally settling into a peaceful arrangement.Yes. Faelin is a creature that is quite old, but... just how old? And how did we get to the current time? During the Seventh Astral Era? How about I take you along to where it all began. To when Faelin was... changed forever, for better or for worse.This tale will bring you back to when Faelin was born between the Union of a Lupin (who were then considered to be Wolf-Folk) and a what would be Doman ancestor at that time. A tale that will defy your expectations, and understanding as we travel back not a couple of centuries... but a millenia. To the time before the Sixth Umbral Calamity, during the height of the War of the Magi.

As the War of the Magi was slowly ramping up between all sides, there were those who needed an edge by any means necessary. Even if it meant performing rituals, sacrifices were meant to be made... no cost too great. In search of individuals who were Aetherically Gifted, who were "blessed" with a vessel capable of handling the fast quantities one would need in order to cast Magick without it leaving as much of a strain. A weapon of sorts, living in nature, easy to manipulate, to control... a child. One who is blessed by the Lupin's Endurance, Physique, and a Hyur's understanding of the world, their limitless capabilities of growth.

Yes... such a vessel would serve these Mages quite nicely.

And so, Faelin was "scouted" from his village to serve this purpose the Mages had in mind. To experiment, test, and do what they could in order to have an edge in this forsaken war of theirs. A war Faelin, nor the others of his kind that were taken had asked to be a part of. While the details of these times are supressed by Faelin's mentality, as it did leave quite the scar on his Psyche, there is one thing from this time he'll never forget: The Abyss. The whorl of Aether he was exposed to, which had seeped into his psyche, corrupting him from the inside out. As a permanent reminder, his sclera became as black as the blackest ink. His eyes losing their sight permanently as he gouged those perfectly coloured hues out himself. To name the extent this was driving not only him, but others insane... would be an understatement.Yet there was one saving grace for Faelin. As if by divine intervention from Thaliak himself, he was graced with a solace of mind. Or... was it merely his mentality battling back..? it's quite hard to say, as memories of these times are few, and far between. Sparce in quanity for a... very obvious reason. All that Faelin truly remembers from this experience was that he found himself unable to see, unable to grasp the gravitas of his situation. Those who were taken with him... no longer being with him. No matter how he tried to cry out for them, for help, it was all for naught. The damage had been done.But Faelin did not leave himself helpless. He recalls what he saw while being dragged through that whorl, and he made use of it. The white pupils he now had were the perfect test subject... Mad as he was, painful as it was, he began inscribing a magical formula. One he knew not the purpose of, but understood it could be beneficial... Once it was done on one eye, Faelin understood he was granted not only the gift of sight once more, but Aetherial Sight as well. And this served to help him plan his escape.

But... his excitement was short lived as this finally granted him the realization that he was all alone. The sole survivor of the ordeal. Wrought with survivors guilt, Faelin was set on his path of destruction. Being granted the knowledge from the Abyss, being "blessed" with surviving these ordeals left him with a hunger for study, an obsession with Magick. And so he took it upon himself to study the tomes he could find, to use the Magick he was learning, and to eventually get revenge on those who caused this massacre..The Mages were quite observant of Faelin's thirst for knowledge, but they thought he was under their control. He was quite the obedient "pup" after all. If only they knew the gravity of the situation at that time... It would take Faelin quite some time to study these tomes, and put to practice what he was learning, but he never gave up. If one time he failed, another time he would double his efforts to master the arts given to him. And so he continued, pushing himself to his utmost limit, whenever he could...

And when the time was right, he wrought his revenge...

The event itself was but a footnote in the grander scheme of things. One small faction of Mages getting wiped out, was hardly worth mentioning as the literal War of the Magi was not only raging on, but reaching it's climax. Though these events were luckily not quite... the problem for Faelin. He escaped his captivity, but his obsession for knowledge, for Magick never sated. He sought more, needed more, and so his search begun. To understand everything the world had to offer him. And to strike down those who would deign stand in his way.After all, it's tales like these that eventually spin into creating a Myth. One of the Hermit that can be found within the Mountains of Othard itself. The Sage of Wolves, advisor to Hingashi, and the White-Eyed Wolf, the head of a certain... Yakuza Family. Faelin spent no little effort in the following centuries, to following years as to establishing his name. Even becoming an Archon within Sharlayan, proving his knowledge in his field of study.Some may still find the tomes Faelin had written back in those days, if they still survived... or if granted access to the Stodium where some of the Sanctioned collection still remain... as well as some of the Forbidden collections can be found. Faelin spent no little amount of times writing everything down he could in pen, and paper, ensuring that the Magick he knew would not end with him-- as he never knew when his demise would be met.


. Created Artefact . Yoake; Dawn; The Daybreak.
With the limited knowledge Faelin had over smithing, he had comissioned a craftsman to create him a peculier type of staff. One with an eye that could open, and "blink", yet it was but a simple motion. By infusing the staff with Aether, did Faelin make it his personal item, and Artefact. The eye spurring to life as it silently observes Faelin's surroundings while he's occupied casting spells. Given the years this item has been in possession by Faelin, it can be considered to be an item of Myth, as it's able to react under Faelin's will with little to no difficulty.

. Personal Artefact . The Oathkeeper
When Faelin finally had the courage to return to his village, he found naught a trace of it. Save for the Katana his father once wielded during the earlier years of Doman, and Lupin co-existence. The Oathkeeper being a blade that's quite aged, and quite valuable due to the significance it can hold for not only him, but Domans in general. As blades of such an age or lost to the flood-- to the channels of time, save a very select few that are now hailed, and to some extended worshipped as being items from the Kami themselves.

. Cursed Artefact . Zantetsuken; The Eikon Odin's Sword.
It probably comes as a surprise to quite a few people that Faelin is in fact in posession of the cursed blade that causes those who wield it to turn into the Eikon/Primal known as odin, along with it's signature horse, Sleipnir. Stranger still then for others that Faelin actually has no problems subjegating the Sword's inherent "curse" by virtue of his mental fortitude, along with the... other occupant inside his mind, preventing the Primal from actually going berserk, trying to mannifest and control Faelin's body
Instead, the 'other self' inside of Faelin has merged with the Eikon's being, allowing for the amalgamation to form within his Psyche. Despite some may think, this actually helps Faelin supress the Blade's corrupting powers, as the 'other self' inside Faelin is inherently resistant to mind-altering capabilities, as well as being a natural counter to the corruptive prowess of the blade itself.Thanks to this, Faelin can summon Zantetsuken quite freely. With the blade's unique properties working quite nicely with his being, as the blade works off of his Aether in order to not only change size, but change the intensity by which it can cut into matters... even the enviorment itself. To say this is Faelin's last resort, wouldn't be too much of an understatement.Faelin also possesses enough of an Aether reserve to trigger the transformation into Odin willingly, granting him a temporary form where he assumes the mantle of the Black Knight, and fights with more ferocity than he would in his base state. But as this puts a strain on him for quite a few days, Faelin doesn't enjoy triggering the state under any normal circumstance. In this state, Zantetsuken also becomes much more of a danger to those who end up getting cut, as the wounds-- even if surviving the ecounter-- have been noted to last hours, days, weeks... if not even longer. They may be healed, but the sensation will remain.


. Enhanced Strength .
In order to better contain the drawbacks of casting high tiers of Magick, Faelin underwent quite the training so he could better endure the aftermath of triggering the spells that could leave his body in quite a state. However, as he was also learning Martial combat, he began training his strength in earnest, allowing him to swing certain weapons with ease, and with quite some force. Even without said weapons in hand, he still has his own claws, and physique he can rely on for combat, should it be needed.

. Enhanced Stamina .
Casting spells back to back, along with performing the physical feats he is capable of is quite taxing on his body. This was especially so on his stamina as Faelin couldn't always execute that which he wanted to. Thankfully, he's trained his stamina to be able and go longer periods of either, or both, before he feels it starting to tax on his body. And similarly to his Durability, his healing magick does allow him to tap into a larger reserve, slowly mending it.

. Sight .
Faelin's sight is by no means enhanced, though it's a perfect 20/20. He also had additional Aethersight due to the intricate insription on his retinas.

. Enhanced Durability .
To Faelin's luck, he was born with a Lupin's inherently strong durability that allows him to whitstand most blows while others can't. And with his added training, he's grown strong enough to hold himself in a fight, as well as the whiplash he may experience while casting higher level spells. With the added value of all his healing knowledge, his durability is one that is hard to crack through, armor or no armor.

. Enhanced Reflexes .
One of the blessings being born a Hybrid Lupin, is the fact that Faelin can make use of his paws so perform more acrobatic feats that he otherwise wouldn't be able to. Along with the added bonus of better grip, his overall speed sees a benefit as well. Being able to perform leaps, and hoops that many would struggle with in quick succession.

. Enhanced Senses .
Faelin's Lupin ears aren't just for show, they're quite sensitive to sounds that may be occuring in his vicinity. While he was blinded for a period before gaining a form of sight, he relied heavily on this. Along with his enhanced sense of smell which may be a more dormant trait, allowing him to recall a scent, as well as diffirentiate different kinds from varying people, and locations.


. The Art of Black Magick/Machi .
The art Faelin is the most versed in, large in thanks to the mages who kidnapped him trying to corrupt him into their "perfect weapon" and bringer of ruin. Only to be destroyed by Faelin after he was at a good enough point in his training to take out those who trained him. To say Faelin is knowledgeable in this field of Magic, would be an understatement as he's one of the very few who can actually say they witnissed the full destructive capabilities of The Mages of Mach. It was his knowledge on the art that allowed him to write several volumes of tomes, some lost, some sanctioned, and others forbidden. The amount of spells he understands, is unparalleled.

. The Art of Red Magic .
The Aftermath of the War of the Magi, along with the Sixth Umbral Calamity left those from both sides stranded, and without a choice but to bury the hatchet. The art that focuses on blending both forms of Black, and White, but focusing moreso on one's Aether, allowed for Faelin to understand how to better manage his Aether while casting spells, and to be able and rely on himself, rather than draw in Aether from his surroundings. Though that being said, he still understand how to rapidly supply his own Aether, being able to cast spells more potently.

. The Art of Summoning .
The tales of Summoners reigning during the peak of the Allagan Empire were akin to myths, and legends by the point Faelin found himself alive. Though naturally, curiosity would get the better of him into delving on the topic to find out just exactly one performs the art. It's through decades of searching that he finally landed on the answer to the art, allowing him to weave the Aspected Aether, "tainted" by Primals into Egis. Having well traversed the star helped Faelin gain understanding of what constitutes "tainted Aether" by a Primal, allowing him to replicate these conditions in order to summon specific Egis to his side.

. The Art of Arcanist .
In a funny twist of fate, Faelin understood Summoning sooner than he did the art of Arcanist. Though it still helped him understand more fundamentals of Magick as a whole. Especially so since he can use the former's knowledge in order to really bolster, and augment the Carbuncle at his side.

. The Art of White Magick/Ampador .
Similarly to Black Magick, Faelin is one of the very few who can say they witnissed the destructive powers of the Mages of Ampador. Understanding just what a blessing White Magick can be in order to help those ailing from illness, or wounds, to bring them back into a better shape, or from the brink of death. But it's also noted that Faelin utilizes this form of Magick in quite the... unorthodox manner. Being able to channel his Aether into this Magick, allowing for his wounds to heal up more quickly, as well as settle his fatigue more easily, though leaving him strained by the end of it all. This is especially dangerous considering what a martial prowess he possesses.

. The Art of Scholars/Nym .
What many considered a lost art, was that of the Scholars of Nym binding Fairies to their bidding. Faelin never took the crude approach to this art however, instead forming a beneficial pact with a Fairy that would allow him to cast it's magic to heal, and bolster his allies. Now when Faelin really has need for another hand to help him heal others, he can easily call upon said Fairy to pick up the slack after all the centuries it has witnissed under Faelin's careful guidance, and care, steadily growing more powerful in turn.

. The Art of Astrology .
During his time in Sharlayan, Faelin piqued his interest in the art of Astrology. 'Twas after all the people of the nation that began writing their movements, divining the coming of certain events. Being one who sought a place on the star, Astrology seemed to fit Faelin just fine. By attuning his Aetherial Energy to the constellation was he able to understand what man was looking for while gazing up at the stars. Faelin can offer accurate enough readings with the help of his Tarot Deck, allowing him to divine some aspects as to one's life, should they be lost on their path.

. The Art of Somanoutics .
During a revisit to Sharlayan-- which was now dubbed "Old"-- Faelin was quickly interested in a new art they had devised that would combine matters he was most knowledgeable in. Aetherology, sorcery, and medicine. With the help of new Foci known as nouliths, is Faelin able to provide even more varied methods of healing.


. Let Steel Sing; Samurai .
Faelin hails from the Lupin found in Othard, meaning he's known the time of war, and conflict before the unification of Hingashi. He's seen the bloodshed, the violence, the carnage that followed in the wake of the Samurai. And as such, came out forged one himself. Just because he prefers the Magical Arts, does not mean Faelin has no understanding of Martial Prowess. Especially so since in a way, Samurai's channel their Aether into their attacks, which Faelin is most proficient in thanks to his studies in the Arcane.

. The Call Beyond The Veil; Reaper .
Ever the curious scholar, Faelin's travels eventually brought him to Lapis Manalis, where he discovered what the Garleans of ages past were up to before their current conquests. With curiosity in mind, Faelin trodded down the selfsame path which would eventually get him in contact with Magnolia, a Voidsent from the 13th Shard. The two making... a pact most benificial to both. She is a flippant Patron however, choosing whether or not to appear, or stay away at her own discretion. Though she's been noted to soften up to Faelin, willing to appear when really needed.

. The Ninpo; Ninja .
Being a Myth in the Far East, meant that Faelin was... subject on being spied on. The Ninja of Hingashi taking great interest in the Hermit, the Omnyoji to the rulers of Hingashi itself. A man of status that was deemed worthy of protection, yet also assassination. It was such that Faelin came in contact with this elusive force, as well as grow a keen interest in their arts. In learning, he understood the intricate web they were tangled up in. Allowing him to be a more... subtle shadow than he already was, evading the public more easily. Not by the aid of the Arcane, but by the Ninjutsu employed by the Ninja.

. The Blackest Night; Dark Knight .
In an ironic twist of fate, Faelin would find himself quite... attuned to the arts of a Dark Knight. With everything he has gone through, with every vile act performed on him, or those he had witnissed, Faelin's sense of Justice, of what was fair, and right in the world were twisted upside down. Thus it came to little surprise that when he learned of Dark Knights, he found himself right at home, able to use their ferocity in the name of "True" Justice. Of one that would condemn those who would dare bully, and abuse the weak.

. The Oath of Vegeance: Paladin .
Where Dark Knight is the execution of Justice in the most brutal form possible, Paladin is the Justice that must be preserved by one's Oath. To protect the weak, to never let anyone else get subjected to the same torture Faelin himself was thrown into. Such is his Oath. Such is his vengeance. Reflected in the arts he makes use of, as they are not as radiant, nor as holy as a true Paladin's spellbook. Every spell, clad in shadow, in darkness, in the Umbra. For Faelin himself remains a Dark Knight at heart. One that can never hope to redeem himself, for centuries of sin, of bloodshed, demand it be so.

Relevant GPOSEs


..   The Hermit of Hingashi
The myth, and rumors surrounding the Hermit found within the mountains of Hingashi (Or Othard) are often what draw in those of curious minds. To see with their own eyes if said rumor may or may not be an actuality.
..   The White-Eyed Wolf of Kugane
When one thinks of the Yakuza roaming the streets of Kugane, many have quite the bad image involving them. Not the nicest of people, extortion, paying for protection, beating people up, and even... murder. Yet there is a Family ran by the rather "infamous" White-Eyed Wolf, who aren't like the other Families. They are more similar to local protectors, where the Samurai, and Guards dare not intervene, or know not how.

..   Hermit's Retreat
The (Venue) Lounge that Faelin runs after being spurred on being a close associate of him complimenting his Coffee for being one to "Marry For". When Faelin isn't busy with any other venture, he can found serving Coffee, Tea, and other drinks in Ishgard. Many being drawn to the rumors of not only great coffee, but also free ones at that. As the local Hermit is quite... stubborn on refusing any payment in the form of Gil.
..   The Omnyoji of Hingashi
The Advisor of matters of the Arcane, and Spirituality that often can be heard rumors of roaming the Castles when visiting the Nobility.


. Kenji Daito . Carrd, written by Kenji; Saved her life from grave peril. Currently has a familiar watching over her from a distance.
. Celina Levoux . Carrd, written by Lina; Watching over her aetherial Instability. Currently has one of his familiars watching over her (Squeak)
. Kali Bhattacharya . No Carrd/Sheet Available, written by Kali, Faelin's ever loving fake wife; inspired the Wolf to pursue opening Hermit's Retreat after complimenting his coffee for being to "Marry For"
. Tara Moonglow . No Carrd/Sheet Available, written by Jenova, A curious... friendship these two share. Both creatures with a Fate quite twisted, having encountered one another a few times. They understand each other's struggle and often try help the other where possible.

. Sonora . No Carrd, written by Marie, Scholar, Regular & At times Songstress at Hermit's Retreat.
. Magnolia . No Carrd, written by Marie, Faelin's Avatar.
. Yomi Hellspawn . No Carrd Available, written by Yomi, One of Faelin's partners who shares a mutual obsession for the other. Helps her keep her Aether in check, as well as her children.
. Lyreis Levy . No Carrd, written by Edia, A long time scholar whom Faelin befriended during his time at the Stodium. Both Archons, they often find themselves discussing theories, especially so on the recently discovered form of Dynamis. She's also a regular at his Lounge, allowing the two of them to talk more easily over coffee.
. Nyx . Carrd, written by Divine Echo, An ancient divine entity took a look at Faelin, pointed to the male and said “I want that one”. Henceforth he was known as ‘puppy’.
. Amayila Akagane . No Carrd Available, written by Ama, Better known as his "Dragon", Amayila has gotten quite close to the wolf in recent times. From being a regular at the Retreat, to going on dates, the two found themselves in great company which lead to their growing affection.
. character name . url, written by alias, main
. character name . url, written by alias, exclusive
. character name . url, written by alias, ship exclusive


& For Fun

. ENG Singing Claim . aaaaa
. JAP Singing Claim . Gakuto Oshiro from Gackt:  Example 1 || Example 2 || Example 3